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How can I live more comfortably with back pain?

If your back pain takes time to resolve, you may want to explore alternative ways to manage your pain and cope. Your pain management plan may include traditional, noninvasive treatments combined with alternative, complementary or integrative therapies, counseling, exercise and other lifestyle changes.  

Coping with chronic pain

The American Psychological Association offers the following tips on coping with chronic pain:

  • Manage your stress.
  • Think positively and focus on all the things you can do, not just those you can’t.
  • Stay active.
  • Consult a professional to talk through concerns and challenges.
  • Find support—see Your Lumen resources for programs and resources available to you. 

Personalized health coaching

Work with a nurse or coach to develop a personalized health action plan based on your needs and lifestyle. Your coach or nurse will help you set realistic goals and measure progress, provide tips and tools, and keep you motivated.
